Since 2003
have been part of the freelance team leading workshops at the British Library
for schools and other groups (age from reception infant classes up to 6th form,
colleges, postgraduates and adult study groups). My first engagement was an
interactive handout to accompany the Lindisfarne Gospels exhibition in 2002. I am
currently leading the workshops on: Research
Matters - an introduction to different ways of approaching research, using
items on show in the BL galleries, a relief printing press, and the structure
of the Library. Exploring
English - looking at change in the English language, and how the language has
developed, using items in the galleries, the timeline, and handling nineteenth
century dictionaries. This workshop also involves looking at mistakes,
swearing, and how we no longer know how to address each other. Ways of
Reading - how, why and what we read, what we do it for, how we interpret what
we read, why we stop reading, and how new technology is changing our approach
to reading. This workshop involves looking at writers' draughts/drafts, and
trying out different interpretive positions. Treasure
Tours - a critical exploration of the treasures in the Ritblat Gallery: why are
they treasures, and what does this designation tell us about ourselves? This
tour explores the publication context of Shakespeare's plays, the materials
used in making illuminated manuscripts, and Gutenberg's struggles to create
movable type, and many more treasures including the Lindisfarne Gospels, the
inverted Curtis Jenny 23cent stamp, the Beatles Lyrics, and Magna Carta. I have also
worked with refugee groups and in prisons, particularly on illuminated
manuscript and embroidery projects. These cover my interest areas of
language, the development of the book as object from scrolls to digitally
stored information, the politics of oppression, the history of visual culture,
particularly illuminated manuscripts and early printing, and the nature of
reading. Following
some workshops I did in June 2004 based on the Transit of Venus I was asked to
work with a science curator to develop an exhibition on astronomy and world
cultures. As a result of this I was asked to develop workshops based on
scientific thinking for the Nobel Prize exhibition last winter; these workshops
were reviewed favourably in the Times Educational Supplement. I have also
led tours of the Sacred Texts exhibition and the Henry VIII exhibition for
groups of visiting academics, students, and foreign study-groups; I regularly
lead tours of exhibitions for corporate events at the Library. For the Evolving
English exhibition I wrote Evolving English Explored, commissioned
by the BL, a handbook based on the exhibition, exploring different facets of
the English language; this sold out during the exhibition. My workshops are
regular ly offered as examples of best practice, with observers recently from
the House of Commons, The Guardian and John Rylands Library (University of
Manchester). I have
worked on the BL website literature timeline (William Blake interview, and
several written panels), and spent two years researching and writing for the
Discovering Literature project, a digital encyclopedia of English Literature
using the British Library collections. the specialist area for this was 19th
century literature, for which I supplied material on Coleridge, Blake, Burns,
Hardy, H G Wells, R L Stevenson, Byron and Shelley. I also supplied four essays
on language for the First World War website. Over the
past twelve years I have written or co-written the following workshops:
Beautiful Minds, Exploring the World's Knowledge, Evolving English, Henry VIII,
Exploring English, Ways of Reading, Gothic, Research Matters, Treasure Tours,
Magna Carta, Sacred, Writers' Britain, Shakespeare in Ten Acts. In 2014 I
co-organised an international conference at the British Library and the
University of Antwerp on the Languages and the First World War. |